I turned 45 recently, and you know what, I'm old enough now. I can do whatever I want. This is truly the mid-point of my life, I mean who really gets to live past 90 years old? I can decide to be happy. I can take some chances. I can try things. I can even fail, if it comes to that. And I will give myself permission for that too. I've never been good at trying things where I don't know the outcome, I'm really not a good risk-taker. I hate to lose, or to do poorly, or to fall.
I can... no, I will live my life today, now, right this moment. I'm so tired of waiting for something to happen, for things to go the way I want, for that elusive 'happiness' to find me. Darn it, no one is in charge of this ride but me, and I need to let myself drive.
Anyway, this is a photo blog. So here are some photos you've never seen. A photo opportunity that presented itself just over a year ago now, actually. A chance that I took, and which didn't really hit the mark. But it was such a great experience. I learned so much, and I don't just mean technically, with a new wide-angle lens that I really just wanted an excuse to buy, but about putting one foot forward. One small step.
Here's to a great New Year... one step at a time.
in-studio with Michael and Heather
(as always, click photos to enlarge them)
(as always, click photos to enlarge them)