Monday, April 20, 2020

week number - who knows anymore

Safer at home - here we still are. I've lost track of how many weeks this is, and yes I also fell behind on journaling this experience. It's difficult, not going to lie. I'm extremely thankful to have a tech job which I can do remotely, and be safe here in my home. And yet everything seems harder, even little tasks take longer, and everything takes so much more energy than I seem to have. It's a challenge. 

I've been getting outside and going for walks around the neighborhood regularly, just for the fresh air and occasional sunshine. Really appreciating the spring flowers poking up, the first blooms opening up for us to enjoy, and the fanciful things people have in their gardens and yards. These little things definitely help to put a smile on my face.

I'm also really struggling with anxiety. Probably a lot of you are too, in many different ways. So I'll just say this, because I don't have any answers, or any fabulous wisdom to help you through. But if you need someone to listen, just reach out, I'm here. I get it. And know that you're not alone. Just breathe.