Thursday, December 3, 2020

music is the answer

 I miss live music. Live, in-person, being with my friends, a night out, dancing and singing with the band. Live music, like it's meant to be heard. 

 That's probably the biggest change during this global pandemic, not being able to go to concerts, theater, clubs, bars, arenas, even outdoor festivals. Not being able to gather with a community of friends, neighbors, and fans. 

 But the saving grace in all of this has been artists who have been, and continue to perform online shows for all of us to enjoy, from the safety of our own living rooms. 

 One of my absolute favorite artists has been giving us online shows every week since early spring. Michael McDermott had the unfortunate timing of releasing a new album in the summer, and had his entire European tour cancelled. So he and his wife, singer Heather Horton, began doing online shows. 

 They've both performed online shows in the past, but mostly for remote fans across the country or overseas to be able to join in; or in between big shows, he would do an acoustic solo show to tide us fans over. But back in March, they committed to this. To bringing us music, to being there each week, giving us something to look forward to, and bringing our community together for a show.

 It has been such a wonderful thing to have something to look forward to each week. And Michael has mixed it up, performing completely different songs each week. Not that he's ever been one to do the same show twice. And he has the most extensive song catalog that you could even begin to imagine. He's written more songs, more wonderful songs, than we'll probably ever know. 

 And the very best part, aside from great music, is that this is where my friends are. The people I would choose to hang out with after work anyway, the friends that I would always drive each weekend to meet at a club, have dinner and drinks with, then enjoy some music together. My friends are all here.