Monday, December 31, 2012

another new year

Hanging out on New Year's Eve, with one of my oldest friends, and thinking about making resolutions. The last few years I've resolved to do things like 'laugh more,' along with all of the usual 'be healthier' ones. Laughing more was a really great goal, and I'm glad to say that I think I did. This year I think I'm going to give myself permission. Permission to do what I want, and not to do things I don't want to do.

I turned 45 recently, and you know what, I'm old enough now. I can do whatever I want. This is truly the mid-point of my life, I mean who really gets to live past 90 years old? I can decide to be happy. I can take some chances. I can try things. I can even fail, if it comes to that. And I will give myself permission for that too. I've never been good at trying things where I don't know the outcome, I'm really not a good risk-taker. I hate to lose, or to do poorly, or to fall. 

I can... no, I will live my life today, now, right this moment. I'm so tired of waiting for something to happen, for things to go the way I want, for that elusive 'happiness' to find me. Darn it, no one is in charge of this ride but me, and I need to let myself drive. 

Anyway, this is a photo blog. So here are some photos you've never seen. A photo opportunity that presented itself just over a year ago now, actually. A chance that I took, and which didn't really hit the mark. But it was such a great experience. I learned so much, and I don't just mean technically, with a new wide-angle lens that I really just wanted an excuse to buy, but about putting one foot forward. One small step. 

Here's to a great New Year... one step at a time. 

in-studio with Michael and Heather

(as always, click photos to enlarge them)