Wednesday, February 18, 2015

fields of gold

Voit Field - Madison
One of those places that I drive by all of the time. A farm, right in the middle of town. 

They used to have cows here, who would sometimes get out of their fences, and wander out into the street. And there would be a carnival set up in this field every summer, where we would all congregate on warm summer nights, ride the rides, meet up with our friends, and try to win all the cool prizes. 

They still plant corn here each year, even though it's no longer an active farm. And the house now stands empty.

I drive by this at all different times of day and night, and always enjoy the light here.

Since they harvested the corn late this year, the field is now often full of geese, resting and eating on their way south for the winter.

Our little taste of the country, right here in town.