Thursday, December 1, 2011

man in the moon

Some of you know that I like to drive, a lot. I spend many of my weekends on the highway, usually driving to and from Chicago to spend time with friends, and to hear my favorite Chicago musicians. I see a lot of things on the road. Mostly trucks, oh so many trucks. Construction, orange barrels, and squiggly newly-painted lane lines. People texting, talking on their cell phones, and some really horrific driving. I see a lot of sunsets... and sometimes I even see the sun rise.

I've seen a car completely engulfed in flames, the heat from which literally pushed me back in my seat. I've seen at least two cars smash right into the concrete barriers. I most recently saw an old man lying in the road, he had just been hit by a minivan, most likely already dead or dying. It's frightening, and it gives me a lot of time to think.

But I also see things that I find interesting, even funny. I remember one night, seeing five tanker-trucks driving in a row, and it immediately brought to mind that "Die Hard" movie where the bad guys drive through the tunnel into Canada. I laughed out loud, to no one, alone in my car. I also see hawks, eagles, birds which I think may be falcons, so many deer, and sometimes wild turkeys.

The one thing I love the most about driving late at night is the moon. Always over my shoulder. Following me. Watching. Lighting my way. Making sure I get home safely. I've tried to photograph it so many times from my car, but it's just a blur. Lately I've been trying to photograph it from home, with a slow manual shutter and my remote shutter control, but so far I can't get the photo that I want. But I'm going to keep trying, and hopefully he'll keep on following me home...

(the moon, as seen from my driveway)

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