Monday, May 18, 2020

well past the two month mark

Today was a good day.

Sometimes they are, even on a rainy Monday. Today was a good day because I felt smart. My brain worked for me. I could put two thoughts together. I could think something all of the way through. The anxiety didn't fight me so hard. That's one of the (many) things that it does. The fog, the confusion, the inability to hold a thought in my head. Some days it is truly a battle.

I'm sure anxiety, and stress too, affect all of us in a zillion different ways. The racing heart, the mind that won't stop spinning, you can't sleep, don't want to eat... So many things. None of them good.

Thankfully, for me, I have people in my life who are trying to help. To listen. Understand. To reach out. My boss has been completely understanding, helping me to prioritize my work, to focus when I just can not. And by taking things off my plate so that I can struggle though some other task. I honestly couldn't ask for more from her. My coworkers who are picking up more work than they rightfully have time for. My friends who listen, who ask how I'm doing, check on me when I'm quiet. My family. My family. What can I say? They are everything. My safety net, my sounding board, my little tiny village, my heart and soul. They're keeping me together too.

So I'm thankful. Grateful. I am getting through this. Day by day, getting through. I hope you all are too. And I hope today was a good day.

Gratuitous cute cat photos, just because I can:

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