Sunday, March 22, 2020

quarantine week 1 - adjusting

Thinking about our daily lives, and how different they are in these days of Covid19 quarantine, and social and physical distancing. So many changes, some big and some small. Thought I might resurrect this blog, feel free to comment with things you have noticed. Or start your own blogs. And if you do, let me know, and I will follow yours!

A little about me - I already live alone, with my three wonderful cat companions - Rory, Finnegan, and Fergus - so this isn't a huge change for me. My job in systems allows me to work from home from time to time, so learning to work at home every day isn't a huge shift. I know for others that is probably a very big change, and one that takes some getting used to. Also many of my friends, family and neighbors aren't able to do their jobs remotely, or have had their businesses shut down or their hours reduced, and I worry about them.

Adjusting to working from home, and just setting my computer, phone and everything up to be remotely connected has had a couple of challenges. I was able to borrow a second computer monitor from my office, but didn't have the right cables for my laptop. Luckily the office supply store was still open and had what I needed. I'm also using my cell phone all day for work, and not having a 'desk phone' for meetings and conference calls. So I got an actual headset, as opposed to using ear buds all the time. Again, thankful for the local office supply store and Amazon. These are really small hurdles and I'm lucky it was as easy as that.

I'm very aware and thankful that here at my home office I do have internet connectivity, the radio for background noise, my cat coworkers to break up my day occasionally by walking on the keyboard and stealing my pens. And appreciating the ability to keep in touch - remotely - with my friends and family.

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